Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How to choose tennis racket

The single most important piece of equipment a tennis player will purchase is a tennis racket. With the wide variety of tennis racket brands, models, types, and specifications on the market, selecting a tennis racket can be a daunting task. However, how to choose a best tennis racket? Now, I will introduce some aspects that you should consider in selecting a tennis player.
Style of PlayingMore than likely if you are an advanced player, you have your own particular style of playing. Your tennis playing style will also influence what you will need in a good tennis racket. If you like to use a great deal of topspin in your game, then a racket that is head heavy can help you improve your spin and your style.
Racket MaterialsWhen you are trying to pick out the best tennis racket, you will also need to consider the various materials that they are made of as well. The most common materials that are used to buy tennis racket today include graphite, aluminum, and boron and Kevlar. Graphite rackets are probably the most popular, since it provides great hitting power and both beginners and even advanced players will find that this type of a racket will perform nicely for them. Aluminum rackets are cheaper than graphite ones, and they will provide you with excellent feel. The Boron and Kevlar rackets are very stiff and can cause shoulder problems due to the shock, so this type of racket should be avoided by a beginning player.
Racket WeightTo avoid injury, taking a look at the weight of the tennis rackets is important before you purchase it. While you may be inclined to head for the lighter rackets, actually you will want to choose a racket that is a bit heavier; however, the head should be fairly light. While it may sound a bit crazy to purchase a racket that is a bit on the heavy side, a lighter racket can also lead to injury, such as tennis elbow and shoulder problems. Also, a racket that is a bit heavier can also improve your serves as well as your groundstroke.

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